Modelselect package helps get an Optimal Linear Regression Model by removing insignificant variables and solve multicollinearity problems I developed a small package called modelselect, which…
Descripstats: A Python Package Generates Richer Descriptive Statistics in Pandas DataFrame
Descripstats package add more descriptive statistics to the default describe of Pandas For numeric data, the describe( ) function of Python Pandas library provides a very…
Normscaler: Convenient Data Normalization Package in Python
Normascaler has different data normalization methods including MinMaxScaler, MaxAbsScaler, RobustScaler, StandardScaler, Normalizer, DecimalScaler In the previous two posts, we have talked about different data normalization…
Python Wavelet Transform Library: PyWavelets and Built-in Wavelet Families
PyWavelets library is the most powerful Open Source library for wavelet transforms in Python In the previous two posts, we have talked about some essential basic…
An Easy Way to Add Anaconda PowerShell Prompt on the Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal with Anaconda PowerShell makes Anaconda much more convenient I wrote 5 posts on how to install the Windows Terminal, and how to add…
A Convenient Stepwise Regression Package to Help You Select Features in Python
Display how to apply stepwise regression with a concrete real-world example Stepwise regression is a very helpful approach to select the statistic significant predictors in…
Practical Process to Develop Machine Learning Regression Models with Python
A real-world example to display the method to develop a machine learning regression model with Sckit-learn The previous several posts displayed a general process to…
Develop a Classical Linear Regression Model with Python (IV): Model Evaluation
Model Evaluation makes a model more reliable Part I: Model Estimation Part II: Model Diagnostics Part III: Model Improvement Part IV: Model Evaluation In the previous…
Develop a Classical Linear Regression Model with Python (III): Model Improvement
A convenient Python function for model improvement by dropping insignificant variables and solve multicollinearity and dummy variables trap Part I: Model Estimation Part II: Model…
Develop a Classical Linear Regression Model with Python (II): Model Diagnostics
Model Diagnostics are an integral part of the model development process, which help us judge whether a model is good or bad Part I: Model Estimation…