It is excellent to write on Medium, but why I finally created my new blog – Deepsim Blog after several months’ hard work
How is My Writing on Medium?
First, I would like to share what I have achieved on Medium. So far, I have written more than 90 articles on Medium since February 2022. My aim is to write tutorial posts on Python, Data analysis, Signal processing as well Machine learning. At the moment, my posts have covered Python, Jupyter notebook, Data analysis and visualization, Wavelet analysis, and also some topics about writing. After I finish some essential topics on Wavelet transform, and I will start the topics on machine learning using some real-world cases.
I jointed Medium Partner Program in the Middle of September after getting the support of my first 100 followers, and I even got some referred members to support my writing. More and more persons are coming to review, read, follow and subscribe my posts. At the moment, there are more than 6,300 views and over 2,300 reads per month, and 475 followers in total. The following is the statistics of my posts during the current 30 day when I am writing this post today (Feb 02, 2023). The earning for the writing is not much at the moment, but it is growing every month. Thanks all you guys for reading and clapping the posts on Medium.

Why I launched a new blog?
There are many reasons, and I would like to share tree reasons as follows:
(1) Business development needs: COVID-19 has forced me to stop my full time work, and most time I have to work at home, so family income is rapidly reduced. Thus, I opened new business. With the development of business, it is good to have a blog to display skills to clients and attract more people to create collaboration for projects and mutual benefits.
(2) Well-organized my posts: It seems that the Medium still lacks the function for each individual writer to organize his/her posts into different categories. For example, my posts can be categories into Python, Jupyter notebook, Data analysis, Wavelet transform, and so on so forth. Thus, I decided to create my blog, which classifies the posts into different categories. Then the readers can conveniently read the topics that they are interested in and I can share my plots to my students in the Universities and on E-learning platform like Undemy and Deepsim Academy.
(3) HTML file support: Medium still does not support import HTML files. But HTML files can display interactive and animate plots, which is important for me as a teacher and data scientist to display the animation and interactive results to students and clients. You can glance over this article on my own blog, where you can see all the plots are interactive, and web apps are still working. I published the same post on Medium, but all plots are static image, or using GIF to show the animation results.
How is my writing plan on Medium and my Blog?
In the future, I will publish my posts on my blog first, and then publish the same or edited one on Medium. So my readers and supporters on Medium can still read my articles there. If one does not want to become a Medium member, but he/she likes reading my tutorial articles. Then welcome to my blog without charge. Of course, I would be very happy if someone could donate 1 or 2 dollars to buy me a coffee to support me in my blog.
But 1 week ago, Google AdSense approved my application to add ads on my blog. Thank you for your understanding me to do so. I hope this way would cover some fees of my domain and server, might also cover me a coffee or meal in the near future. Then it could support me to maintain this blog sustainably, and support me to write more high quality, free and helpful tutorial articles in a long run.
One of the advantage on Medium is that you only pay $5.0 per month or less when there is a promotion, you can read my articles and all the articles by all the authors. If you like Medium and want to become Medium members, please start from my referral page. I would appreciate you very much!
At the end of this article, I would like to express my sincere thanks again for you guys’ support. Last but not least, welcome all you guys to visit my blog to exchange ideas on Python, Data analysis and visualization, Machine learning, Computer vision, and more! Welcome your questions, comments, suggests, discussions or business.